Our Staff
Practice Nurses
Our Practice Nurse, Sr Sandi is available Monday to Friday. The nurse can help you with dressings, removal of stitches, holiday injections, tetanus injections, ear syringing, cervical smears, well women clinics, well man clinics, diabetes, asthma, weight reduction, CHD, COPD and general health, cryosurgery clinics.
Healthcare Practitioner
Our Healthcare Practitioner, Yvonne, is available on Monday to Wednesday to help with your new patient check, blood pressure, dressings, quit smoking, hearing tests (Audiology), ECG, INR, ear syringing, cholesterol advice, removal of sutures, flu injections, B12 injections, 24 hour BP monitoring. She works alongside and supports the Practice Nurse and Doctors.
Practice Management
Our Practice Manager, Tracy Stephens, can advise on administrative and non-medical matters, and will also discuss any suggestions to improve the service or any problems you may encounter.
The practice has an excellent back-up team of both reception and secretarial staff to meet patient needs. They are the first point of contact when contacting the surgery and deal with any queries in a professional and courteous manner.
Office Manager: Suzanne
Secretary: Paula
Receptionists: April, Lydia, Courtney & Emma.